Refined foods are unsuitable for the human body and have a harmful effect on it. Learn now to identify them and eliminate them, the effects on your health will be considerable.


Refined Food

Cereals, sugar, salt, oils... denatured foods

Refined foods are unsuitable for the human body and have a harmful effect on it. Learn now to identify them and eliminate them, the effects on your health will be considerable.

Refined foods are poor in vitamins and trace elements, important catalyst nutrients. In fact, digestion involves biochemical reactions that consume these catalysts: If they are not present in the food, they are withdrawn from the body, which sees its reserve all the more depleted because it is not renewed, or is renewed only slightly.

Why refine?

The main purpose of this practice is to prevent food from spoiling, by removing reactive substances and thus to be able to store it easily. Legitimate when it was necessary to prevent the risks of famine, this need was satisfied by the industrial era.

These stocks are, today, expensive to manage, at the origin of advertising campaigns inciting to consume devitalized food, and they represent a permanent scandal while the Third World suffers from under-nutrition. It would be enough to store reasonably and to use fresh products not denatured for the current use.

The consumer must restore the balance by refusing foods unsuited to the physiology and harmful in the long term: they promote diseases of overload and, for some of them, the process of cancerization. .

Refining of cereals

The range concerned by this refining: from white flours (breads, rusks, pasta, pastries, etc...), to "bleached" grains (bleached rice, pearl barley, etc...).

One of the major errors of modern nutrition consists in neglecting whole grains, which have always constituted - associated with legumes - one of the pillars of the diet.

Their high nutritional value is greatly reduced in quality by refining, which, on the other hand, increases their caloric power.

Refining consists in removing the husks adhering to the central kernel of the grain by machining on abrasion cones. The grain loses the brown color of the bran: it "whitens" and, if it is "glazed", is then coated with glucose and talc.

However, these envelopes are rich in quality nutrients, the important losses concern fibers, minerals and vitamins.

The loss in proteins is, in weight, relatively weak (presence in the almond, of gluten mixed with the starch. Gluten is also of a protein nature, its nutritional value is less than that of the proteins of the eliminated envelopes (its interest lies mainly in its bread-making properties).

Refining concentrates the cereal in starch. It therefore significantly increases its intrinsic caloric value. But, in reality, what matters most is the notion of glycemic index, which is much higher with refined cereals due to the depletion of fiber.

Metabolic and pathological consequences induced by the refining of cereals

* A cereal has a more pronounced hyperglycemic effect (increase in blood sugar after ingestion) if it is refined. Then, the decrease of the blood sugar level, with reactive hypoglycemia, is observed as with very concentrated sugar (sucrose), whereas with the whole cereal, the increase of the blood

With whole grain, the increase in blood sugar is much lower, but spread over a longer period of time, without reactive hypoglycemia.

* Starch, when ingested with fiber and catalytic elements, is the sugar of endurance. On the other hand, the starch in refined cereals causes caloric jolts (although less than those of refined sucrose). As a consequence, they facilitate the tendency to overweight and pancreatic overwork (insulin secretion proportional to the glycemic peaks), hence the risk of diabetes in the long term, if the subject is predisposed.

However, wholegrain cereals are precisely opposed to these two trends.

The particular case of cereals is very demonstrative of a general fact: refining not only denatures and impoverishes the food, but transforms its virtues into pathogenic influences. The refining of cereals has also had the consequence of rendering obsolete one of the dogmas of nutrition: the notion of "simple fast sugars" and "complex slow sugars".

Sugars with a simple molecular structure (made up of 1 or 2 molecules: glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.) were considered to be rapidly absorbed. .) were considered to be absorbed quickly, and starch, a complex sugar (made up of a long chain of glucose molecules), as absorbed slowly. In reality, starch, if ingested in isolation, is assimilated almost as quickly (20 to 30 minutes), because of the enzymatic equipment of the digestive tract which splits it simultaneously in several places.

We should therefore not think in terms of assimilation speed, but in terms of the more or less hyperglycemic effect induced, an effect defined by the glycemic index. The higher this index is, the greater the insulin secretion. This glycemic index is low for whole grains, and it rises when they are refined. The same phenomenon can be observed when comparing fresh watery fruit, containing fructose, fiber and vitamins, and refined white sugar (pure sucrose).

Note: a glycemic index equal to or higher than 60 favors hyperinsulinism, thus overworking the pancreas. In reality, it is the richness of fiber that determines good tolerance to carbohydrates, rather than their chemical composition (the "buffer" effect of fiber).

Reduction of the nutritional range

* Depletion of vitamins, minerals and trace elements
The states of sub-deficiency, or even deficiency, in these essential elements are increasingly frequent in societies of over-consumption. They are the consequence of intensive agricultural and food industry processes.
* Removal of proteins from the grain envelopes
During a meal, cereals are only consumed for their starch, just like a potato, to accompany a meat or a fish. However, a whole grain can constitute, associated with a legume and vegetables, the main course of the meal (balanced protein intake).
This association allows to enrich the variety of the menus by alternating vegetarian type meals (without fat) and meals with animal products (meats, on the other hand, contain caloric saturated fats which promote atherosclerosis).
* Reduction of fiber in the diet and induced diseases
In the past, cereals and legumes were the basis of the diet, thus ensuring its richness in fiber. This has not been the case since the post-war period.
In France, the average fiber consumption is currently <20 g/day, whereas it should be 40 g.
There is a clear correlation between the socio-economic development of a country and low fiber consumption (in 1880, the French consumed 215 kg/year of wholemeal bread. A century later, he consumes only 61 kg/year of white bread).

Fibers have a very important regulatory action in several areas: digestive tract (regulation of transit and intestinal flora), regulation of sugar and fat metabolism, regulation of hunger and satiety, and therefore of weight (fibers provide a sensation of satiety and limit food intake).
This multi-factorial regulation of fibers being lacking, many disorders can develop (some due to other associated risk factors):

* disorders and diseases of the intestines: constipation, flatulence, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, polyps and cancers, imbalance of the intestinal flora with a wide variety of resulting disorders (beyond digestive functions).
* Metabolic disorders with poor tolerance to sugars and fat deposits, resulting in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, excess weight, aggravation of a predisposition to diabetes;
* excess weight due to poor hunger-satiety regulation.

The food industry in economically developed countries has reached a real aberration: refining and processing - which is detrimental to food hygiene and increases the cost of production - to then offer, like expensive drugs, what has been removed from food.

Refining sugar

Refined white sugar is sucrose and nothing else. Carbohydrate nutrients include 2 main categories of molecules: complex sugars (such as starch) and simple sugars, both of which are affected by refining. In fact, the term "sugar" is commonly used to describe the white product made up of sucrose and resulting from the refining of sugar beet or sugar cane.

Starch comes from cereals, legumes, tubers (potatoes), bananas and chestnuts, and oleaginous fruits. Simple sugars come from fruits and vegetables (fructose, sometimes glucose), honey (fructose and glucose), milk (lactose). The hyperglycemic impact of these sugars is tempered by the presence of other associated nutrients - especially if they are fibers - and the volume occupied by the food.

With the practices of the food industry, refined white sugar has supplanted these diversified and balanced intakes, to the point of exercising a virtual monopoly among many consumers. However, we are talking about sucrose - only sucrose - present in a large number of sweetened foods and drinks.

How white sugar is obtained

Pure sucrose (made up of one molecule of fructose and one molecule of glucose) is obtained using a battery of complex physical and chemical processes which, technically, may differ depending on whether it is sugar cane or sugar beet, but the principle is common:

* physical treatment by crushing (cane) or soaking in hot water (beet), then filtering.
* chemical treatments: with slaked lime to neutralize organic acids, clarification ("defecation", say the industrialists!) of the limed juice, in particular with carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and boiling, decoloration (sodium suffoxylate), refining proper because we have only reached the intermediate "raw sugar" - by dehydration and chemical reagents (animal black, isopropyl alcohol, anthraquinonic blue, etc.).

At the end of all these operations (detailed partially because the industrial treatments are even more complex), sucrose is thus isolated from all other nutrients to become a "chemically pure" product meeting the regulations. However, these nutrients, eliminated as impurities, are proteins and especially vitamins, minerals and trace elements (reserved, as molasses, for animal consumption).

Sugar without these elements of life can be stored and preserved easily in large silos, this result involving, upstream, areas of intensive cultivation and industrial complexes polluting.

* (1) Whole sugar is not entitled to the name "sugar"! It is called "complete cane sugar". Obtained by evaporation of sugar cane juice, it is a very compact powder, without crystals, very dark brown in color. This product is remarkable for its richness in minerals and trace elements - especially magnesium and fluorine - and for its incomparable aromas (of which white sugar is totally devoid) and flavors, which make it possible to reduce the quantity of sugar for an enhanced pleasure (home-made pastries made with whole cane sugar seduce the sense of smell before delighting the palate).

* (2) Genuine brown cane sugar has nevertheless a lower nutritional value, it is obtained by prolonged cooking (if it comes from the original plant, otherwise it is white sugar... tinted!).
(source: "L'assiette aux céréales" by Claude Aubert from analyses of the laboratory of the nutrition institution of Amboise).

Consequences of sugar refining: overconsumption, cellular degeneration and overload diseases (facilitated by a double physical and metabolic process)

On the physical level

White sugar allows you to ingest, in a small volume, 100% of calories. Totally devoid of fiber that satiates, its consumption is all the more facilitated. Thus, a 100g apple contains 10 to 15g of sugar (on average 13g of fructose), that is to say the caloric equivalent (and not qualitative) of 2 to 3 pieces of saccharose (one stone of white sugar =5g). They will be quickly ingested by those who are fond of sugar, "fruit juices", sweetened sodas (a glass is equivalent to 5 pieces of sugar), chocolate and small cakes (>60% sugar), commercial pastries (a single slice of certain apple pies topped with jam can provide as many calories as 6 apples!)

The sweetening power of white sugar is mediocre compared to whole cane sugar, which leads to increase the quantity to satisfy the gustatory pleasure (aromas and flavors are very affected by the elimination of vitamins and minerals).

On the metabolic level

The hyperglycemia caused by the assimilation of a chemically pure sugar is much more marked than that caused by a sugar accompanied by other nutrients. Among these, fibers are the most important to dampen this effect.

This phenomenon is experimentally proven by noting the evolution of glycemia after absorption of pure glucose or sucrose and with pectin fibers (present especially in fruits -apples- and legumes).

The average glycemic index of aqueous fresh fruits is 30 and that of legumes 33, while that of pure sucrose is 75 and that of pure glucose 100.

This hyperglycemic peak, a real metabolic aggression, destabilizes the great principle of physiology: homeostasis (the stable balance of the different functions of the body).

The body reacts by proportional secretion of insulin to bring the blood sugar level back to normal (0.8 to 1g/l).

However, a glycemic index > 60 favors hyperinsulinism, with the consequence of an exaggerated corrective effect with reactive hypoglycemia, which is all the more marked as the glycemic load is intense.

This hypoglycemia results in various disorders (fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, irritability) and calls for the consumption of sugar again (all the more so as these insulin peaks solicit the stomach with a feeling of hunger).

Thus, far from satisfying energy needs, white sugar provokes them according to a Yo-Yo evolution, which is reminiscent of weight in response to antiphysiological diets: deviating from stability aggravates the process that one wishes to satisfy or correct. The deficiencies or sub-deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements, caused by the consumption of refined sugar, participate in the nervous imbalance. The result can be a dietary compensation with reinforcement of this iterative consumption of sugar: a metabolic process of dependence is thus facilitated by the refining itself, independently of the socio-economic conditioning.

Salt refining

Salt is ambivalent: refining favors its unfavorable component.
Salt, essential to life, is found in all living tissues (animals and plants) and in sea water. Salt is the active witness of the adaptation of life to the terrestrial environment (blood serum contains 9g/l). It conditions the maintenance of water in the body (the human body is made up of 62% water).

Consumed in excess, it retains too much water, promoting or aggravating oedemas and arterial hypertension in predisposed subjects.

For centuries, in the East and in the West, salt has been of great importance for many uses (preservation of meat and fish, treatment of hides and skins, etc.).

Its economic role explains why it has been the subject of a state monopoly everywhere. The importance of salt only decreased towards the 19th century, with the discovery of numerous underground deposits (until then, salt was mainly of marine origin) and especially the development of the refrigeration and canning industry.

In the past, salt was used to preserve food. Now, it is refined to preserve it better! Refining transforms a product with a very varied composition in minerals and trace elements into a "chemically pure product" (just like white sugar) with a concentration of sodium, which is responsible for the harmful effects of salt, and encourages its consumption in excess.

The origins of salt, salt has 3 possible origins:

* The sea (40%): harvest of sea salt after evaporation in salt marshes. Its richness in trace elements and its gustatory qualities (the 2 being linked) are far superior to the other two.
* Salt mines (10%): extraction of rock salt in open-air mines or galleries exploiting fossil marine deposits, resulting from tectonic movements and folds, the retreat of the oceans and volcanic upheavals of the earth's crust.
* Salt water springs (30%): from which salt is extracted by heat.
* Potash mining (the rest): 4 million tons are produced each year (10% only for household use, the largest part being destined for industry and for snow removal).

Obtaining sea salt

To be suitable for the establishment of salt marshes (or saltworks), the coastline must meet both topographical and climatic conditions (temperature, sunshine): Brittany, Vendée, Languedoc and Provence.
The Mediterranean salt marshes are mechanized and provide the majority of French production. The salt is more concentrated (37g/l) than in the Atlantic (30g/l) and evaporation is more rapid, taking place in the deeper eyelets.

The Atlantic salt mines maintain the artisanal tradition by perpetuating these checkerboards offering a whole palette of pastel tones (azure, emerald, pink) and punctuated with small heaps of "grey gold".
The salt of the ocean is indeed grayish as opposed to the almost white salt of the Mediterranean, because it is much richer in magnesium salts and in particles of marine flora (plankton, microscopic algae).
As for the famous "fleur de sel" of Guérande, which the salt worker gently harvests like skimming milk, it has a pinkish tinge due to its iodine composition.

Composition of grey sea salt :

When we talk about salt contained in the sea, we are in fact talking about a mixture of salts, in the chemical sense of the term (a salt results from the action of an acid on a base, the hydrogen ion of the acid being replaced by a metal ion).

The "table salt" corresponds to sodium chloride, NaCl, which, of course, represents the majority by weight (in relation to the weight of the two elements, the proportion is 40% of sodium, the element implicated in the product's harmful effects, for 60% of chlorine).

Apart from a variable rate of humidity, the rest is made up of a large number of salts of remarkable qualitative importance, where all the minerals and trace elements are found in their original state or incorporated in the particles of marine flora: magnesium, calcium, potassium (very important because it moderates the effect of sodium), sulfur. All other minerals are found at least in trace amounts (trace elements: iron, manganese, zinc, copper, fluorine, iodine, etc...).

This grey sea salt is therefore a real food. It comes in 3 main forms: natural grey coarse salt, natural grey fine salt and fleur de sel so prized by gourmets. These presentations can be enriched with seaweed and aromatic herbs.

Refined white salt

Natural grey salt moistens easily on contact with air because of its richness in trace elements and mineral salts, especially magnesium chloride.

In order to ensure its preservation, its industrial packaging, and to facilitate its grinding, salt is treated by a battery of physical and chemical processes (whose complexity is reminiscent of sugar refining) to isolate the sodium chloride.

Then, chemical additives are incorporated to ensure perfect whiteness and dry grain for easy sprinkling.

The market offers several varieties of modified white salt to meet certain concerns of hygiene, public health or "gastronomic": addition of trace elements (after eliminating them!) and enzymes, deodorized and lightened salt:

* Iodized salt: authorized since 1952. Incorporation of sodium iodide (1 to 1.5g of iodine per 100,000). It must be called "iodized table salt" or "iodized cooking salt", without medical mention.
* Fluorinated salt: authorized since 1985 to limit the rate of dental caries. Incorporation of potassium fluoride (250mg/kg of fluoride ion). The labeling must include the words "do not consume if the drinking water contains more than 0.5 mg / l of fluorine" to avoid the risks of fluorosis.
* De-sodium salt: intended for people suffering from oedema and high blood pressure. Contains very little sodium (10mg/100g), incriminated as an aggravating factor. Based on potassium chloride, which is reminiscent of a salty taste and which balances the action of sodium. Mention "depleted in sodium".
* Light salt: in order not to be outdone by fat and sugar, the salty food industry offers a safe version, called "light salt", whose content is reduced by 2/3. It is better to get into the habit of using less salt and avoid alternative additives.
* Tenderizing salt: with added papain, a proteolytic enzyme (which promotes the breakdown of proteins).
* glutamated salt: with 20% sodium monoglutamate added (flavour enhancer, also present in many ready-made or instant meals).

Consequences of refining

Salt is no longer a product that provides a wide variety of essential trace elements. It also loses its gustatory nuances which encourage us to appreciate it as a gourmet, that is to say with pleasure and moderation. Chemically pure sodium chloride (it contains additives) saturates the taste and exacerbates the appetite, which facilitates its consumption in excess and its harmful effects.

Oil refining company in Indonesia

Refining vegetable oils

The oil contained in a seed or an oleaginous fruit is extracted by 2 methods: mechanical (using presses) and chemical (using solvents widely used in the food industry, which then proceeds to the actual refining)

Mechanical extraction by pressure :

The oil, which is contained in olives and oil seeds (sunflower, walnut, peanut, safflower, soybean, sesame, pumpkin and grape seeds, etc. ... ), is expressed after crushing with the help of screw presses or cages in which rotates an axis equipped with helical blades whose pitch is gradually tightened, which allows to gradually increase the pressure without heating (which would cause a brutal stress).
This is how the "virgin oil" is obtained, which only needs to be centrifuged and filtered to eliminate solid particles and traces of water, using filters lined with cotton cloths and blotting papers, from which languid threads with blond, amber or even golden flashes flow out.

The residue of pressing is an agglomerate of organic matter: the cake, which can be used as feed for livestock or as fertilizer. It is made up of fibers, proteins, starch, but also of oil, because this one cannot be completely extracted by first cold pressure (this proportion of fatty substance remaining in the cake is very variable according to the product, from 5 to 15%; the output is good for the olive, on the contrary, the corn and the grape seed give up their oil to the pressing only if they are heated).

The industrial oil mills obtain a maximum yield by heating widely, above 1000 ° C, the oil products, with sometimes several successive operations of heating-pressing of the same batch.

However, the fact of heating a fatty substance modifies its chemical composition, which, thus, is very different from that of the original fatty substance contained in the plant. This is the case of unsaturated fatty acids; some of them are said to be essential and have the value of vitamins (F) on which depend the functioning of cell membranes (particularly of the nervous system) as well as the synthesis of prostaglandins, biologically very active elements which are the subject of important research, because they condition many metabolisms.

These unsaturated fatty acids are unstable and, under the effect of heat, quickly saturate into stable but biologically inactive or even harmful bodies: by hydrogen fixation, which is the most frequent case (the saturated oil is said to be hydrogenated, which favors atherosclerosis), or by oxygen fixation with the formation of peroxides, also called "free radicals", which favor cellular aging and have carcinogenic potential.

Is considered as "first cold pressing" an oil which is obtained at a temperature not exceeding 50°C, including the additional heating due to the pressing.

(The crushing-pressing itself is preceded by other delicate operations that are essential to respect the quality of the fatty acids. For oil seeds: dust removal, storage with ventilation to avoid heating and fermentation incompatible with a "virgin oil" quality: husking and moderate preheating with steam (at 40°C), which facilitates expression and thus avoids a risk of overheating at the time of pressing. For the olive, its pulp being rich in ferments and vegetation water, its pressing must follow closely the harvest).

Such an oil is a "living" oil providing the essential unsaturated fatty acids (F vitamins). This quality product requires attention and vigilance on the part of the producer (he must necessarily keep the artisanal spirit, even if he uses the resources of technical progress), but also on the part of the consumer, because these unsaturated fatty acids are reactive and oxidize in the air: it is preferable to buy a 1st cold-pressed oil by half-liter, to quickly recork the bottle after each use, to store it in a cool place away from light.

Chemical extraction by solvents :

The use of organic solvents allows industrial oil mills to obtain, with heat, a maximum extraction yield. Oilseed products and oil cakes are subjected to the action of solvents coming from the distillation of oil. The most used is hexane.

These solvents are then removed from the oil by vacuum distillation, but in reality it is very difficult to remove all traces. All oils that are not labeled "virgin" or "pressed" are obtained by this chemical process.

The refining of the oil :

The extraction can be followed by the refining itself - which is the rule in industrial oil mills. Refining is necessary after solvent extraction, or if the oil products have been intensively cultivated with a concentration of pesticides. Refining leads to a stable oil by modification of the fatty acids (thus easy to preserve).

Here again, refining involves a whole series of very complex physical and especially chemical operations. Let's just mention the names of the main treatments applied to the oil: degumming, neutralization, decoloration, deodorization and finally... coloring! An oil treated in this way loses all its character; it is important for the consumer to find the good yellow color that any good oil should have. These operations repeatedly use physical processes with heating - between 100 and 200°C - and a quantity of chemical reagents.

Consequences of oil refining :

Appearance, smell, taste are comparable, while each virgin oil of first cold pressure (HVPPF) has its own character. Often, the consumer used to refined oils "pale" is very surprised by the particular taste of virgin oils, witness of the authenticity of the product.

- Qualitative modification of the composition of the oil to the detriment of the essential nutrients

- Destruction of the antioxidant vitamin E (essential to the prevention of oxidation of the internal environment and its consequences: atherosclerosis, accelerated aging and cancerization).

- Transformation of the molecular structure of fatty acids:

- Saturation of part of the unsaturated fatty acids, which become biologically inactive (loss of vitamin F activity), but promote metabolic diseases of overload (disorders of the blood fat balance, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and overweight),

- Inversion of the spatial configuration of the molecule around the double bond ("Cis" & "Trans" forms).
The majority of natural unsaturated fatty acids are of "cis" configuration:
the 2 fragments of the molecule, separated by the double bond, are arranged on the same side; whereas in "trans" position, they are on both sides.

However, if a large number of fatty acids are not saturated by heating and refining (the oil remains liquid: a saturated fat is solid at room temperature), they rotate in the "trans" position, which itself has 2 major disadvantages:

- On the one hand, it favors atherosclerosis, as shown by studies conducted in the Netherlands on 3 groups of people subjected to a diet containing, respectively, unsaturated "trans", "cis", and saturated fats.
It is in the "trans" group that the most atherogenic lipidic disturbances of the blood appeared: elevation of the "bad" atherogenic fractions LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins) with lowering of "good" protective fats HDL (High Density Lipoproteins). The "cis" group has a clearly favorable profile, with lowering of LDL and raising of HDL.
The saturated group is intermediate, with a tempered exposure to risk, because the elevation of LDL is not accompanied by disturbances in HDL.

- On the other hand, epidemiological studies make us suspect that these "trans" fats promote certain cancers (especially of the breast, colon and prostate), because there is a correlation between the increase in their frequency and a diet rich in refined seasoning oils, margarines and saturated animal fats (Northern Europe), as opposed to populations consuming as fats, especially olive oil (rich in monounsaturated oleic acid). See hydrogenation.


The only quality criteria to be retained are, on the one hand, the origin of the oilseed product (organic or not) and, on the other hand, the method of obtaining it.

According to the legislation, the mention "virgin" guarantees the method of extraction by pressure and the absence of refining. However, the oil may have been overheated during the pressing process or deliberately heated, thus altering its composition in terms of vitamins E and F, which determine its nutritional value.

Also, the word "virgin" is not enough to guarantee the consumer. It must be completed by the mention "first cold pressure" (mention indicating a manufacturer who prefers quality to yield).

Legal denominations

A) According to the production and composition

# For olive oil :

- "virgin olive oil": obtained exclusively from the olive, by physical processes (pressing, centrifuging, filtering), excluding any solvent and refining operations:
"extra": oleic acidity< 1%, "fine": < 1.5%, "common" or "semi-fine": < 3%);

- Olive oil": the action of steam and the deacidification by alkaline lyes are allowed;

- "refined olive oil" or "pure refined olive oil": obtained by refining processes;

- "pure olive oil": mixture of virgin olive oil and refined olive oil.
(The legislation misleads the consumer, by using the adjective "pure", then it is a mixture).

For other oils

- virgin oil from..." (name of a seed or fruit): comes exclusively from the designated oilseed product. Obtained without any chemical treatment or refining operation;

- oil of...": has undergone refining operations;

- Vegetable oil": consists of a mixture of oils which must be indicated in decreasing order of importance with a graphic representation of the proportions.

B) According to the instructions for use:

- "vegetable oil for frying and seasoning": oil containing unsaturated fatty acids with a linolenic acid content < 2% (this fatty acid is polyunsaturated with 3 double bonds that are highly reactive to heating. But the legislator ignores that the other unsaturated fatty acids are too and that a HVPPF must be consumed raw - only olive and peanut have good heat resistance);

- "vegetable oil for seasoning": linolenic acid content > 2%.


The practices of food refining appear as absurd as they are harmful. Absurd, because they increase the production cost of products while deeply disturbing their original qualities according to 3 mechanisms: * removal of elements of high nutritional value (proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, fiber)
* transformation of the preserved nutrients (case of fatty acids)

* concentration facilitating excesses (carbohydrates, salt, atherogenic fats) Harmful, because these 3 mechanisms induce, directly and indirectly, both deficiencies and overloads responsible for many diseases.

Dr. Lylian Le Goff


Refined Food

Cereals, sugar, salt, oils... denatured foods


Refined foods are unsuitable for the human body and have a harmful effect on it. Learn now to identify them and eliminate them, the effects on your health will be considerable.

Refined foods are poor in vitamins and trace elements, important catalyst nutrients. In fact, digestion involves biochemical reactions that consume these catalysts: If they are not present in the food, they are withdrawn from the body, which sees its reserve all the more depleted because it is not renewed, or is renewed only slightly.

Why refining ?

The main purpose of this practice is to prevent food from spoiling, by removing reactive substances and thus to be able to store it easily. Legitimate when it was necessary to prevent the risks of famine, this need was satisfied by the industrial era.

These stocks are, today, expensive to manage, at the origin of advertising campaigns inciting to consume devitalized food, and they represent a permanent scandal while the Third World suffers from under-nutrition. It would be enough to store reasonably and to use fresh products not denatured for the current use.

The consumer must restore the balance by refusing foods unsuited to the physiology and harmful in the long term: they promote diseases of overload and, for some of them, the process of cancerization. .

Refining of cereals

The range concerned by this refining: from white flours (breads, rusks, pasta, pastries, etc...), to "bleached" grains (bleached rice, pearl barley, etc...).

One of the major errors of modern nutrition consists in neglecting whole grains, which have always constituted - associated with legumes - one of the pillars of the diet.

Their high nutritional value is greatly reduced in quality by refining, which, on the other hand, increases their caloric power.

Refining consists in removing the husks adhering to the central kernel of the grain by machining on abrasion cones. The grain loses the brown color of the bran: it "whitens" and, if it is "glazed", is then coated with glucose and talc.

However, these envelopes are rich in quality nutrients, the important losses concern fibers, minerals and vitamins.

The loss in proteins is, in weight, relatively weak (presence in the almond, of gluten mixed with the starch. Gluten is also of a protein nature, its nutritional value is less than that of the proteins of the eliminated envelopes (its interest lies mainly in its bread-making properties).

Refining concentrates the cereal in starch. It therefore significantly increases its intrinsic caloric value. But, in reality, what matters most is the notion of glycemic index, which is much higher with refined cereals due to the depletion of fiber.

Metabolic and pathological consequences induced by the refining of cereals

* A cereal has a more pronounced hyperglycemic effect (increase in blood sugar after ingestion) if it is refined. Then, the decrease of the blood sugar level, with reactive hypoglycemia, is observed as with very concentrated sugar (sucrose), whereas with the whole cereal, the increase of the blood

With whole grain, the increase in blood sugar is much lower, but spread over a longer period of time, without reactive hypoglycemia.

* Starch, when ingested with fiber and catalytic elements, is the sugar of endurance. On the other hand, the starch in refined cereals causes caloric jolts (although less than those of refined sucrose). As a consequence, they facilitate the tendency to overweight and pancreatic overwork (insulin secretion proportional to the glycemic peaks), hence the risk of diabetes in the long term, if the subject is predisposed.

However, wholegrain cereals are precisely opposed to these two trends.

The particular case of cereals is very demonstrative of a general fact: refining not only denatures and impoverishes the food, but transforms its virtues into pathogenic influences. The refining of cereals has also had the consequence of rendering obsolete one of the dogmas of nutrition: the notion of "simple fast sugars" and "complex slow sugars".

Sugars with a simple molecular structure (made up of 1 or 2 molecules: glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.) were considered to be rapidly absorbed. .) were considered to be absorbed quickly, and starch, a complex sugar (made up of a long chain of glucose molecules), as absorbed slowly. In reality, starch, if ingested in isolation, is assimilated almost as quickly (20 to 30 minutes), because of the enzymatic equipment of the digestive tract which splits it simultaneously in several places.

We should therefore not think in terms of assimilation speed, but in terms of the more or less hyperglycemic effect induced, an effect defined by the glycemic index. The higher this index is, the greater the insulin secretion. This glycemic index is low for whole grains, and it rises when they are refined. The same phenomenon can be observed when comparing fresh watery fruit, containing fructose, fiber and vitamins, and refined white sugar (pure sucrose).

Note: a glycemic index equal to or higher than 60 favors hyperinsulinism, thus overworking the pancreas. In reality, it is the richness of fiber that determines good tolerance to carbohydrates, rather than their chemical composition (the "buffer" effect of fiber).

Reduction of the nutritional range

* Depletion of vitamins, minerals and trace elements
The states of sub-deficiency, or even deficiency, in these essential elements are increasingly frequent in societies of over-consumption. They are the consequence of intensive agricultural and food industry processes.
* Removal of proteins from the grain envelopes
During a meal, cereals are only consumed for their starch, just like a potato, to accompany a meat or a fish. However, a whole grain can constitute, associated with a legume and vegetables, the main course of the meal (balanced protein intake).
This association allows to enrich the variety of the menus by alternating vegetarian type meals (without fat) and meals with animal products (meats, on the other hand, contain caloric saturated fats which promote atherosclerosis).
* Reduction of fiber in the diet and induced diseases
In the past, cereals and legumes were the basis of the diet, thus ensuring its richness in fiber. This has not been the case since the post-war period.
In France, the average fiber consumption is currently <20 g/day, whereas it should be 40 g.
There is a clear correlation between the socio-economic development of a country and low fiber consumption (in 1880, the French consumed 215 kg/year of wholemeal bread. A century later, he consumes only 61 kg/year of white bread).

Fibers have a very important regulatory action in several areas: digestive tract (regulation of transit and intestinal flora), regulation of sugar and fat metabolism, regulation of hunger and satiety, and therefore of weight (fibers provide a sensation of satiety and limit food intake).
This multi-factorial regulation of fibers being lacking, many disorders can develop (some due to other associated risk factors):

* disorders and diseases of the intestines: constipation, flatulence, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, polyps and cancers, imbalance of the intestinal flora with a wide variety of resulting disorders (beyond digestive functions).
* Metabolic disorders with poor tolerance to sugars and fat deposits, resulting in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, excess weight, aggravation of a predisposition to diabetes;
* excess weight due to poor hunger-satiety regulation.

The food industry in economically developed countries has reached a real aberration: refining and processing - which is detrimental to food hygiene and increases the cost of production - to then offer, like expensive drugs, what has been removed from food.

Refining sugar

Refined white sugar is sucrose and nothing else. Carbohydrate nutrients include 2 main categories of molecules: complex sugars (such as starch) and simple sugars, both of which are affected by refining. In fact, the term "sugar" is commonly used to describe the white product made up of sucrose and resulting from the refining of sugar beet or sugar cane.

Starch comes from cereals, legumes, tubers (potatoes), bananas and chestnuts, and oleaginous fruits. Simple sugars come from fruits and vegetables (fructose, sometimes glucose), honey (fructose and glucose), milk (lactose). The hyperglycemic impact of these sugars is tempered by the presence of other associated nutrients - especially if they are fibers - and the volume occupied by the food.

With the practices of the food industry, refined white sugar has supplanted these diversified and balanced intakes, to the point of exercising a virtual monopoly among many consumers. However, we are talking about sucrose - only sucrose - present in a large number of sweetened foods and drinks.

How white sugar is obtained

Pure sucrose (made up of one molecule of fructose and one molecule of glucose) is obtained using a battery of complex physical and chemical processes which, technically, may differ depending on whether it is sugar cane or sugar beet, but the principle is common:

* physical treatment by crushing (cane) or soaking in hot water (beet), then filtering. * chemical treatments: with slaked lime to neutralize organic acids, clarification ("defecation", say the industrialists!) of the limed juice, in particular with carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and boiling, decoloration (sodium suffoxylate), refining proper because we have only reached the intermediate "raw sugar" - by dehydration and chemical reagents (animal black, isopropyl alcohol, anthraquinonic blue, etc.).

At the end of all these operations (detailed partially because the industrial treatments are even more complex), sucrose is thus isolated from all other nutrients to become a "chemically pure" product meeting the regulations. However, these nutrients, eliminated as impurities, are proteins and especially vitamins, minerals and trace elements (reserved, as molasses, for animal consumption).

Sugar without these elements of life can be stored and preserved easily in large silos, this result involving, upstream, areas of intensive cultivation and industrial complexes polluting.

* (1) Whole sugar is not entitled to the name "sugar"! It is called "complete cane sugar". Obtained by evaporation of sugar cane juice, it is a very compact powder, without crystals, very dark brown in color. This product is remarkable for its richness in minerals and trace elements - especially magnesium and fluorine - and for its incomparable aromas (of which white sugar is totally devoid) and flavors, which make it possible to reduce the quantity of sugar for an enhanced pleasure (home-made pastries made with whole cane sugar seduce the sense of smell before delighting the palate).

* (2) Genuine brown cane sugar has nevertheless a lower nutritional value, it is obtained by prolonged cooking (if it comes from the original plant, otherwise it is white sugar... tinted!).
(source: "L'assiette aux céréales" by Claude Aubert from analyses of the laboratory of the nutrition institution of Amboise).

Consequences of sugar refining: overconsumption, cellular degeneration and overload diseases (facilitated by a double physical and metabolic process)

Auf der physikalischen Ebene

Weißer Zucker ermöglicht es uns, in einem kleinen Volumen 100 % der Kalorien aufzunehmen. Völlig frei von sättigenden Ballaststoffen, wird der Verzehr umso mehr erleichtert. So enthält ein 100g-Apfel 10 bis 15g Zucker (durchschnittlich 13g Fruchtzucker), also das kalorische Äquivalent (und nicht qualitativ) von 2 bis 3 Stück Saccharose (ein Stück weißer Zucker =5g). Sie werden schnell von denjenigen aufgenommen, die Zucker, "Fruchtsäfte", gesüßte Limonaden (ein Glas entspricht 5 Stück Zucker), Schokolade und kleine Kuchen (>60% Zucker), kommerzielles Gebäck (ein einziges Stück bestimmter Apfelkuchen mit Marmelade belegt kann so viele Kalorien liefern wie 6 Äpfel!)

Die Süßkraft von weißem Zucker ist im Vergleich zu Vollrohrzucker nur mittelmäßig, was dazu führt, dass die Menge erhöht werden muss, um den Geschmacksgenuss zu befriedigen (Aromen und Geschmacksrichtungen werden durch den Wegfall von Vitaminen und Mineralien stark beeinträchtigt).

On the metabolic level

The hyperglycemia caused by the assimilation of a chemically pure sugar is much more marked than that caused by a sugar accompanied by other nutrients. Among these, fibers are the most important to dampen this effect.

This phenomenon is experimentally proven by noting the evolution of glycemia after absorption of pure glucose or sucrose and with pectin fibers (present especially in fruits -apples- and legumes).

The average glycemic index of aqueous fresh fruits is 30 and that of legumes 33, while that of pure sucrose is 75 and that of pure glucose 100.

This hyperglycemic peak, a real metabolic aggression, destabilizes the great principle of physiology: homeostasis (the stable balance of the different functions of the body).

The body reacts by proportional secretion of insulin to bring the blood sugar level back to normal (0.8 to 1g/l).

However, a glycemic index > 60 favors hyperinsulinism, with the consequence of an exaggerated corrective effect with reactive hypoglycemia, which is all the more marked as the glycemic load is intense.

This hypoglycemia results in various disorders (fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, irritability) and calls for the consumption of sugar again (all the more so as these insulin peaks solicit the stomach with a feeling of hunger).

Thus, far from satisfying energy needs, white sugar provokes them according to a Yo-Yo evolution, which is reminiscent of weight in response to antiphysiological diets: deviating from stability aggravates the process that one wishes to satisfy or correct.
The deficiencies or sub-deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements, caused by the consumption of refined sugar, participate in the nervous imbalance. The result can be a dietary compensation with reinforcement of this iterative consumption of sugar: a metabolic process of dependence is thus facilitated by the refining itself, independently of the socio-economic conditioning.

Salt refining

Salt is ambivalent: refining favors its unfavorable component.
Salt, essential to life, is found in all living tissues (animals and plants) and in sea water. Salt is the active witness of the adaptation of life to the terrestrial environment (blood serum contains 9g/l). It conditions the maintenance of water in the body (the human body is made up of 62% water).

Consumed in excess, it retains too much water, promoting or aggravating oedemas and arterial hypertension in predisposed subjects.

For centuries, in the East and in the West, salt has been of great importance for many uses (preservation of meat and fish, treatment of hides and skins, etc.).

Its economic role explains why it has been the subject of a state monopoly everywhere. The importance of salt only decreased towards the 19th century, with the discovery of numerous underground deposits (until then, salt was mainly of marine origin) and especially the development of the refrigeration and canning industry.

In the past, salt was used to preserve food. Now, it is refined to preserve it better! Refining transforms a product with a very varied composition in minerals and trace elements into a "chemically pure product" (just like white sugar) with a concentration of sodium, which is responsible for the harmful effects of salt, and encourages its consumption in excess.

The origins of salt, salt has 3 possible origins:

* The sea (40%): harvest of sea salt after evaporation in salt marshes. Its richness in trace elements and its gustatory qualities (the 2 being linked) are far superior to the other two.
* Salt mines (10%): extraction of rock salt in open-air mines or galleries exploiting fossil marine deposits, resulting from tectonic movements and folds, the retreat of the oceans and volcanic upheavals of the earth's crust.
* Salt water springs (30%): from which salt is extracted by heat.
* Potash mining (the rest): 4 million tons are produced each year (10% only for household use, the largest part being destined for industry and for snow removal).

Obtaining sea salt

To be suitable for the establishment of salt marshes (or saltworks), the coastline must meet both topographical and climatic conditions (temperature, sunshine): Brittany, Vendée, Languedoc and Provence.
The Mediterranean salt marshes are mechanized and provide the majority of French production. The salt is more concentrated (37g/l) than in the Atlantic (30g/l) and evaporation is more rapid, taking place in the deeper eyelets.

The Atlantic salt mines maintain the artisanal tradition by perpetuating these checkerboards offering a whole palette of pastel tones (azure, emerald, pink) and punctuated with small heaps of "grey gold".
The salt of the ocean is indeed grayish as opposed to the almost white salt of the Mediterranean, because it is much richer in magnesium salts and in particles of marine flora (plankton, microscopic algae).
As for the famous "fleur de sel" of Guérande, which the salt worker gently harvests like skimming milk, it has a pinkish tinge due to its iodine composition.

Composition of grey sea salt :

When we talk about salt contained in the sea, we are in fact talking about a mixture of salts, in the chemical sense of the term (a salt results from the action of an acid on a base, the hydrogen ion of the acid being replaced by a metal ion).

The "table salt" corresponds to sodium chloride, NaCl, which, of course, represents the majority by weight (in relation to the weight of the two elements, the proportion is 40% of sodium, the element implicated in the product's harmful effects, for 60% of chlorine).

Apart from a variable rate of humidity, the rest is made up of a large number of salts of remarkable qualitative importance, where all the minerals and trace elements are found in their original state or incorporated in the particles of marine flora: magnesium, calcium, potassium (very important because it moderates the effect of sodium), sulfur. All other minerals are found at least in trace amounts (trace elements: iron, manganese, zinc, copper, fluorine, iodine, etc...).

This grey sea salt is therefore a real food. It comes in 3 main forms: natural grey coarse salt, natural grey fine salt and fleur de sel so prized by gourmets. These presentations can be enriched with seaweed and aromatic herbs.

Refined white salt

Natural grey salt moistens easily on contact with air because of its richness in trace elements and mineral salts, especially magnesium chloride.

In order to ensure its preservation, its industrial packaging, and to facilitate its grinding, salt is treated by a battery of physical and chemical processes (whose complexity is reminiscent of sugar refining) to isolate the sodium chloride.

Then, chemical additives are incorporated to ensure perfect whiteness and dry grain for easy sprinkling.

The market offers several varieties of modified white salt to meet certain concerns of hygiene, public health or "gastronomic": addition of trace elements (after eliminating them!) and enzymes, deodorized and lightened salt:

* Iodized salt: authorized since 1952. Incorporation of sodium iodide (1 to 1.5g of iodine per 100,000). It must be called "iodized table salt" or "iodized cooking salt", without medical mention.
* Fluorinated salt: authorized since 1985 to limit the rate of dental caries. Incorporation of potassium fluoride (250mg/kg of fluoride ion). The labeling must include the words "do not consume if the drinking water contains more than 0.5 mg / l of fluorine" to avoid the risks of fluorosis.
* De-sodium salt: intended for people suffering from oedema and high blood pressure. Contains very little sodium (10mg/100g), incriminated as an aggravating factor. Based on potassium chloride, which is reminiscent of a salty taste and which balances the action of sodium. Mention "depleted in sodium".
* Light salt: in order not to be outdone by fat and sugar, the salty food industry offers a safe version, called "light salt", whose content is reduced by 2/3. It is better to get into the habit of using less salt and avoid alternative additives. * Tenderizing salt: with added papain, a proteolytic enzyme (which promotes the breakdown of proteins).
* glutamated salt: with 20% sodium monoglutamate added (flavour enhancer, also present in many ready-made or instant meals).

Consequences of refining

Salt is no longer a product that provides a wide variety of essential trace elements. It also loses its gustatory nuances which encourage us to appreciate it as a gourmet, that is to say with pleasure and moderation. Chemically pure sodium chloride (it contains additives) saturates the taste and exacerbates the appetite, which facilitates its consumption in excess and its harmful effects.

Oil refining company in Indonesia

Refining vegetable oils

The oil contained in a seed or an oleaginous fruit is extracted by 2 methods: mechanical (using presses) and chemical (using solvents widely used in the food industry, which then proceeds to the actual refining)

Mechanical extraction by pressure :

The oil, which is contained in olives and oil seeds (sunflower, walnut, peanut, safflower, soybean, sesame, pumpkin and grape seeds, etc. ... ), is expressed after crushing with the help of screw presses or cages in which rotates an axis equipped with helical blades whose pitch is gradually tightened, which allows to gradually increase the pressure without heating (which would cause a brutal stress).
This is how the "virgin oil" is obtained, which only needs to be centrifuged and filtered to eliminate solid particles and traces of water, using filters lined with cotton cloths and blotting papers, from which languid threads with blond, amber or even golden flashes flow out.

The residue of pressing is an agglomerate of organic matter: the cake, which can be used as feed for livestock or as fertilizer. It is made up of fibers, proteins, starch, but also of oil, because this one cannot be completely extracted by first cold pressure (this proportion of fatty substance remaining in the cake is very variable according to the product, from 5 to 15%; the output is good for the olive, on the contrary, the corn and the grape seed give up their oil to the pressing only if they are heated).

The industrial oil mills obtain a maximum yield by heating widely, above 1000 ° C, the oil products, with sometimes several successive operations of heating-pressing of the same batch.

However, the fact of heating a fatty substance modifies its chemical composition, which, thus, is very different from that of the original fatty substance contained in the plant. This is the case of unsaturated fatty acids; some of them are said to be essential and have the value of vitamins (F) on which depend the functioning of cell membranes (particularly of the nervous system) as well as the synthesis of prostaglandins, biologically very active elements which are the subject of important research, because they condition many metabolisms.

These unsaturated fatty acids are unstable and, under the effect of heat, quickly saturate into stable but biologically inactive or even harmful bodies: by hydrogen fixation, which is the most frequent case (the saturated oil is said to be hydrogenated, which favors atherosclerosis), or by oxygen fixation with the formation of peroxides, also called "free radicals", which favor cellular aging and have carcinogenic potential.

Is considered as "first cold pressing" an oil which is obtained at a temperature not exceeding 50°C, including the additional heating due to the pressing.

(The crushing-pressing itself is preceded by other delicate operations that are essential to respect the quality of the fatty acids. For oil seeds: dust removal, storage with ventilation to avoid heating and fermentation incompatible with a "virgin oil" quality: husking and moderate preheating with steam (at 40°C), which facilitates expression and thus avoids a risk of overheating at the time of pressing. For the olive, its pulp being rich in ferments and vegetation water, its pressing must follow closely the harvest).

Such an oil is a "living" oil providing the essential unsaturated fatty acids (F vitamins). This quality product requires attention and vigilance on the part of the producer (he must necessarily keep the artisanal spirit, even if he uses the resources of technical progress), but also on the part of the consumer, because these unsaturated fatty acids are reactive and oxidize in the air: it is preferable to buy a 1st cold-pressed oil by half-liter, to quickly recork the bottle after each use, to store it in a cool place away from light.

Chemical extraction by solvents :

The use of organic solvents allows industrial oil mills to obtain, with heat, a maximum extraction yield. Oilseed products and oil cakes are subjected to the action of solvents coming from the distillation of oil. The most used is hexane.

These solvents are then removed from the oil by vacuum distillation, but in reality it is very difficult to remove all traces. All oils that are not labeled "virgin" or "pressed" are obtained by this chemical process.

The refining of the oil :

The extraction can be followed by the refining itself - which is the rule in industrial oil mills. Refining is necessary after solvent extraction, or if the oil products have been intensively cultivated with a concentration of pesticides. Refining leads to a stable oil by modification of the fatty acids (thus easy to preserve).

Here again, refining involves a whole series of very complex physical and especially chemical operations. Let's just mention the names of the main treatments applied to the oil: degumming, neutralization, decoloration, deodorization and finally... coloring! An oil treated in this way loses all its character; it is important for the consumer to find the good yellow color that any good oil should have. These operations repeatedly use physical processes with heating - between 100 and 200°C - and a quantity of chemical reagents.

Consequences of oil refining :

Appearance, smell, taste are comparable, while each virgin oil of first cold pressure (HVPPF) has its own character. Often, the consumer used to refined oils "pale" is very surprised by the particular taste of virgin oils, witness of the authenticity of the product.

- Qualitative modification of the composition of the oil to the detriment of the essential nutrients

- Destruction of the antioxidant vitamin E (essential to the prevention of oxidation of the internal environment and its consequences: atherosclerosis, accelerated aging and cancerization).

- Transformation of the molecular structure of fatty acids:

- Saturation of part of the unsaturated fatty acids, which become biologically inactive (loss of vitamin F activity), but promote metabolic diseases of overload (disorders of the blood fat balance, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and overweight),

- Inversion of the spatial configuration of the molecule around the double bond ("Cis" & "Trans" forms). The majority of natural unsaturated fatty acids are of "cis" configuration:
the 2 fragments of the molecule, separated by the double bond, are arranged on the same side; whereas in "trans" position, they are on both sides.

However, if a large number of fatty acids are not saturated by heating and refining (the oil remains liquid: a saturated fat is solid at room temperature), they rotate in the "trans" position, which itself has 2 major disadvantages:

- On the one hand, it favors atherosclerosis, as shown by studies conducted in the Netherlands on 3 groups of people subjected to a diet containing, respectively, unsaturated "trans", "cis", and saturated fats.
It is in the "trans" group that the most atherogenic lipidic disturbances of the blood appeared: elevation of the "bad" atherogenic fractions LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins) with lowering of "good" protective fats HDL (High Density Lipoproteins). The "cis" group has a clearly favorable profile, with lowering of LDL and raising of HDL.
The saturated group is intermediate, with a tempered exposure to risk, because the elevation of LDL is not accompanied by disturbances in HDL.

- On the other hand, epidemiological studies make us suspect that these "trans" fats promote certain cancers (especially of the breast, colon and prostate), because there is a correlation between the increase in their frequency and a diet rich in refined seasoning oils, margarines and saturated animal fats (Northern Europe), as opposed to populations consuming as fats, especially olive oil (rich in monounsaturated oleic acid). See hydrogenation.


The only quality criteria to be retained are, on the one hand, the origin of the oilseed product (organic or not) and, on the other hand, the method of obtaining it.
According to the legislation, the mention "virgin" guarantees the method of extraction by pressure and the absence of refining. However, the oil may have been overheated during the pressing process or deliberately heated, thus altering its composition in terms of vitamins E and F, which determine its nutritional value.
Also, the word "virgin" is not enough to guarantee the consumer. It must be completed by the mention "first cold pressure" (mention indicating a manufacturer who prefers quality to yield).

Legal denominations

A) According to the production and composition

# For olive oil :

- "virgin olive oil": obtained exclusively from the olive, by physical processes (pressing, centrifuging, filtering), excluding any solvent and refining operations:
"extra": oleic acidity< 1%, "fine": < 1.5%, "common" or "semi-fine": < 3%);

- Olive oil": the action of steam and the deacidification by alkaline lyes are allowed;

- "refined olive oil" or "pure refined olive oil": obtained by refining processes;

- "pure olive oil": mixture of virgin olive oil and refined olive oil. (The legislation misleads the consumer, by using the adjective "pure", then it is a mixture).

For other oils

- virgin oil from..." (name of a seed or fruit): comes exclusively from the designated oilseed product. Obtained without any chemical treatment or refining operation;

- oil of...": has undergone refining operations;

- Vegetable oil": consists of a mixture of oils which must be indicated in decreasing order of importance with a graphic representation of the proportions.

B) According to the instructions for use:

- "vegetable oil for frying and seasoning": oil containing unsaturated fatty acids with a linolenic acid content < 2% (this fatty acid is polyunsaturated with 3 double bonds that are highly reactive to heating. But the legislator ignores that the other unsaturated fatty acids are too and that a HVPPF must be consumed raw - only olive and peanut have good heat resistance);

- "vegetable oil for seasoning": linolenic acid content > 2%.


The practices of food refining appear as absurd as they are harmful. Absurd, because they increase the production cost of products while deeply disturbing their original qualities according to 3 mechanisms:
* removal of elements of high nutritional value (proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, fiber)
* transformation of the preserved nutrients (case of fatty acids)

* concentration facilitating excesses (carbohydrates, salt, atherogenic fats) Harmful, because these 3 mechanisms induce, directly and indirectly, both deficiencies and overloads responsible for many diseases.

Dr. Lylian Le Goff